Tashia Jayasekera

0431 683 678 tashia@gscpa.com.au

Tashia joined GeersSullivan in January 2018. She specialises in small business advice and tax.


What does your day typically involve?

A little bit of everything! GeersSullivan offers an end-to-end service that involves looking at our clients’ businesses as a whole, from bookkeeping and preparing their accounts to their year-end tax compliance and seeing how we can help their business grow.

Outside of the manual processing side of things, quite a bit of my time is spent answering client calls and emails, seeing what they need and trying to be as helpful and responsive as possible.

What kind of clients do you prefer working with?

I especially enjoy working with clients in hospitality. I worked in that industry myself while I was doing my Bachelor of Economics and Masters in Accounting, so I can offer a unique perspective on how they can improve their operations. It’s kind of nice to see the other side of running that type of business.

What are some of your highlights from your work here?

I really like that GeersSullivan celebrates our birthday every year. For example, in 2021 we did an Amazing Race through the city. It was so much fun!

A lot of our events here focus on enjoying the people you work with and building our team and relationships. We’re not your stereotypical accountants either. Everyone’s very social and friendly, which makes it a great environment to work in every day.

What do you do outside of the office?

I do salsa dancing every weekend. It’s been a hobby of mine since 2019. I also box and enjoy going on hikes – anything to stay active.

Do you have any favourite movies or TV shows?

I tend to watch light comedy that’s easy to watch and makes you feel good, like Ted Lasso.

What’s your favourite food?

I grew up in Malaysia until I was 6, so I love Malaysian food – particularly street food like mee goreng and nasi lemak.

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