Christabelle Harris

Practice Manager
0407 995 348

Having joined the GeersSullivan team in January 2024, Christabelle is a multitasker who loves organising things and the variety of her role.


Describe the path that lead to what you’re doing now.

I actually used to be an interior designer in India. I started in 2006 as an office assistant after moving to Australia. Over the years, I’ve had very good managers who’ve seen my potential and upskilled me, and I’ve tried to take the initiative and train myself too.

This type of work suits me well because I’m very organised, personable, deadline driven, and a bit of a perfectionist. I love ensuring everything is just so and making everyone’s jobs and lives easier.

What does your day typically involve?

My role is a big mix of different things every day. I’m involved in IT (information technology), HR (human resources), building management, OH&S (occupational health and safety) and managing office expenses for the directors. Most of all, I make sure the team is looked after.

What are some of your highlights from your work here?

I really like the team – they’re very collaborative and supportive, and it’s easy to fit in with everyone. The directors are very welcoming and approachable – they really look after their staff. I enjoy work so much that I often don’t even register it’s lunchtime!

What do you do outside of the office?

I love baking – my Christmas cakes are delicious and full of rum. I start soaking the fruit in October! I crochet bags and scarves, including volunteering to crochet for charities.

I love anything that goes fast, like going to air shows or watching Formula One and Motor GP. We went to every race while we were living in Melbourne! I also enjoy watching UFC, going for hikes with my husband and entertaining our friends.

What’s your favourite food?

Sorpotel, which is a Portuguese dish. My mum makes it very well, and it takes two or three days to ensure it’s at its most delicious. I’ll then have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

What’s on your bucket list?

When my husband and I are retired, I want to tour around Australia in a camper van. I love animals, so I want to buy a farmhouse and adopt all sorts of animals that need homes. I’d also like to go on The Ghan and Indian Pacific trains as another way to see more of Australia.

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