Posted on July 23, 2019 by GSCPA Admin
We have a long and proud association with Ronald McDonald House Charities WA. Our team participated in the “Home For Dinner” event over the last two Friday evenings, whereby we assisted the in-house chef to prepare, serve and clean up the meals for those families currently staying at the house. Our team is proud to be part of such an amazing cause.

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Posted on October 29, 2018 by Ashley Dawson

On Friday the 14th of September two very brave GeersSullivan staff members, Ida Bourmann and Ben Pimm, along with our Managing Director Andrew Sullivan, participated in the Central Park Plunge to help raise funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities WA. The Central Park Plunge provided an opportunity to abseil 220 meters down the Central Park Building on St George’s Terrace.
Ida and Ben diligently raised funds for their team “It’s Accrual World” and we here at GeersSullivan are very proud of their achievement in both undertaking the Plunge and their fundraising efforts!
If you’d like to know more about how you can get involved with RMHC WA, head to their website –

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